Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18, 2008

Today I was a few minutes late for class, but I was able to use my grip skills once again. I went down with Nestry to get two green screens, two A frames, and C locks(I think thats the name) but anyway. I helped him bring the stuff up to the classroom. I went to my group and I was the talent for the mock commercial spoof we did in class. The commercial was about flyright and Are and I did a good job with the commercial. We also talked to John Detar from the flea and he gave us some info about what he wanted in the flea market commercial. I was able to learn about the items I helped bring up to the classroom. I learned about the green screens, the A frames, the C grip things, the boom microphone, I learned what they all were and there function. Today's class was fun and very informal. Looking forward to work and to the weekend. Go SJSU this saturday and I'm out till next time!

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